“Girls Inc. of NYC provides a place where girls can be themselves.”
Isabella, 9th Grade
I’m from Queens. I was born to Colombian parents, and I have a younger sister. She’s why I smile a little harder each day–I try to be a role model for her.
It’s challenging being a girl today. You have to conform to society’s standards: keep your head down, work hard, take care of your household, and excel while not expressing emotions or asking for help. In Girls Inc. of NYC, we share our struggles and support each other. We learn stress management techniques, journal regularly, and have a safe space to express our feelings.
In Boss Up, the entrepreneurship program, my group made a business plan and created a skincare line. On Market Day, we showcased our products and received feedback. I got to explore my creativity, and I developed important life skills in budgeting, time management, and organization.
Girls Inc. of NYC helps girls stand up for each other, learn about business, and learn about life. Girls Inc. also provides a place where girls can be themselves and know they are not alone. This has made a huge difference to me and so many others.