Our Programs
Girls Inc. of New York City’s research-based curricula support the development of the “whole girl.”
Our life-transforming programs spanthe topics of mental health, healthy sexuality, STEM, college and career preparation, leadership, financial literacy, and more.

Program Areas
Our Programs
STRONG: Healthy Living

SMART: Academic & STEM

BOLD: Leadership

Information For
Where we work
We work with more than 185 schools and community-based organizations. We offer programs at schools where we have a partnership.
Events and Opportunities for All Girls
In addition to our ongoing programs, we host events and opportunities open to all girls throughout NYC, even if they are not enrolled Girls Inc. of NYC participants. These opportunities include:
- City-wide Annual Conference (March)
- Middle School and High School Summer Camps (July)
Stay updated
If you’d like to get updates about open enrollment for camps or new program locations, please complete this interest form for families.

Training Opportunities for Educators
Throughout the year, we offer training institutes for educators to learn how to facilitate our signature programs, such as Mind Body Matters, Generation Giga Girls (G3), and Her Future.

Community Partnerships
Calling all NYC schools and community-based organizations!
Are you aiming to create a safe and supportive space for girls and gender-expansive youth? If so, we would love to partner with you!

Our Impact
Girls build the knowledge, skills, and confidence to push for positive change in their lives and their communities.